GoBrolly Celebrates Eight Years in Business and Expands Services to Spring Hill, Kansas

GoBrolly Internet, a subsidiary of Brolly Communications, Inc., is proud to announce their eighth year in business this Spring delivering fast and reliable internet to residents of Miami and Cass Counties.

To celebrate this milestone, the company has also announced an expansion into the Spring Hill area, which includes Southern Johnson County.

Spring Hill is notably one of the areas between Johnson and Miami County that has had some of the worse internet due to difficulties with access and accommodations.*

“GoBrolly’s mission has always been to provide reliable, fast internet to areas where fiber is not available. People are spending enormous amounts of money using cellular provider hotspots,” said Jeff Axmann, President and CTO of GoBrolly Internet.

Since 2014, when GoBrolly first opened their doors, the company prided itself not only for their internet service, but to provide the best customer service in the entire Midwest from an internet company.

“When people call us, we immediately dig in to provide solutions if they are experiencing problems,” said Axmann. “Most of the time it is a simple fix, such as another device causing interference that needs to be moved. But if not, we will make house calls as needed.”

GoBrolly’s plans, due to the technical design of the service, cannot be compared to other providers’ plans, which is sometimes difficult to explain to new Customers. For example, a 30 Mbps X 15 Mbps (down and up speed) GoBrolly plan cannot be compared to other providers’ 100 Mbps X 15 Mbps. The 30 Mbps X 15 Mbps is actually a better plan. The reason? The up speed is just as important as the down speed, which makes the internet faster.

The reliability on GoBrolly’s service – relating to the motto, “It Just Works” is a promise created by the founders and leaders of the company that the pipeline of information will always be large enough to receive data when called upon. That goal is to keep the buffering, frustratingly slow backups and downloads, and having your kids get off their gaming or streaming devices so you can finalize your project a thing of the past.

Where other internet companies provide plans that may seem better, their small print says that these “speeds” may not perform during congestion at “peak times.”

“GoBrolly believes internet service is a utility,” said Axmann. “It’s like water . . . the more you use, the more you may be charged. However, it is always available when you need it. You won’t go to wash your hands and find that only a trickle comes out of the faucet because you are at your “peak” consumption times. You can wash your hands anytime . . . with as much water as you need.”

When asked what GoBrolly’s future plans will be in the next five years, Axmann smiled. “I can’t give away too much information, but let’s just say we have big things happening. The future is looking VERY bright.”

It is true that GoBrolly’s business brought in competitors which have given the area an advantage. Eight years ago, working from home was not even considered possible. Even when Covid hit, and many people were forced to work out of their homes, GoBrolly’s plans could handle the increased need for bandwidth. However, they immediately came out with plans requested by the employers of remote workers allowing both spouses to work alongside their children doing homework, streaming movies or video from their phone, or playing video games. Now, many other providers are moving into the area and offering packages in an attempt to keep up with the demand.

“We love the competition,” said Axmann. “It has given this area a boost in economic value. The dream of moving to Miami and Cass Counties with the options to select a good internet service provider has finally become a reality. Businesses, home owners, and schools don’t have to be limited to what they can do anymore.”
